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Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

Acceptance! [sameday4loans.blogspot.com]

Acceptance! [sameday4loans.blogspot.com]

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I was first thinking , when exactly does one start to yearn
for acceptance?

Is it when we are born?
Is it when we first feel the pain of non-acceptance?
Is it when we begin to be challenged in sports?
Is it when we fall into the ever talked about `peer
Is it when we fall in love?
Is it when we start a new job?
Is it when we become a new member of a family?
Is it when we move to a new city or country?
Is it when we write our very first book?

I believe it is all of the above, when people feel the
need to be accepted, they will do leaps and bounds to
succeed in this quest. Athletes and body builders will take
drugs to win. winning=acceptance.

When we fall in love, our entire being wants to feel
accepted by our mate.

Authors will spend hours and hours to write the exact words
to please their readers and go to great lengths to publish
their creation.

Becoming a new member of a family whether it be through
marriage or adoption will create a need to be nurtured as
one who genuinely belongs.

Starting a new job is a definite acceptance need, we need
to fit in so we can relax and apply ourselves 100% to our

Moving to a new country or city or even just a new
neighbourhood, is very challenging for us and to be accepted
and fit in, is a very important step in our settling in.

Lets not forget`Peer Pressure`, that's a tough one,
children just getting started in high school suffer the most
with this one, hormones are swinging and their emotions are
so sensitive. The fears that they have struggle with for the
year before is all up front and they have a whole lot of
reality to deal with. To fit in and be accepted by their
peers is more than half the battle.

Being a baby has a world of need to be accepted and see
our parents smile when we please them.

The pain of non acceptance for the first time cuts like a
knife. It wounds us for life, creating a scar that we grow
with forever.

All these worries , needs and desires are in all of us
that live and breathe.

Some of us feel the hunger for acceptance less than

Some of us cannot live with out acceptance , we become
obsessed in our thinking, trying anything we can to fit in.

Do you read the word self-esteem in anything I have
written here today. Yup and it is in every sentence. The
need for acceptance somehow effects our self-esteem which in
turns affects our emotional stability where jealousy , worry
and anxiety seed from.. If you know the feeling of
non-acceptance or low self-esteem, then you know how
controlled you are by the worry that follows them and how
much of your life is imprisoned by that other mind.

Low self-esteem and non-acceptance are exactly that,
`another mind` and one can actually feel them at war . It
reminds me of the good devil and bad devil scenario. Trust
me here it is no fun for the person that is imprisoned by
it, not only do they have to balance the two minds, but they
also have the guilt that they feel when they see what the
result of the battle in their heads is doing to the people
around them. The constant questions that one faces as in my
blog FEELINGS!!!! are an added pain to the already lonely
tortured person.

So if anyone out there knows a person that suffers from
non-acceptance or low self-esteem, HUGG them and please try
to have more patience and understand that they are not
having a picnic and that if just saying , "stop it" or "just
don`t think about it" could stop it, they would in a heart
beat. We all need support and acceptance to get us through
our lows. Kicking someone when they are down, never ever
helps them to get up.

I am doing what I can through my web site and my articles
to help educate people and help them understand what low
self-esteem is all about and how very intense and serious it
is. If any of you ever have any questions, please contact
me or leave me a comment and I will do my best to answer it.

Sweet people and all the beautiful women in this world....

LIVE LOVE & LAUGH Suggest Acceptance! Articles

Question by : How long does a former employer have to transfer a 401(k)? My previous employer (company a) sold our company to company b in February. I have a 401(k) with them that has not been transferred yet. Company b supposedly plans to roll it into their own plan but it hasn't happened yet. The new plan has different rules than I originally agreed to and I am not interested in rolling it over. Meanwhile, my money is not accessible for withdrawal or loans. Is this acceptable? How long do they have to transfer it? Can they do this? Who can I contact to address this? Best answer for How long does a former employer have to transfer a 401(k)?:

Answer by Bostonian In MO
If you are not going to roll it over into the new plan, just contact the custodian and have it rolled over into an IRA. The custodian should receive the notification of the change of ownership shortly after the deal closes.

Answer by tro
this sounds like since you are unable to take distribution of it(you definitely cannot take out a loan) the transfer is probably contingent on the entire package rolled into the new company's plan which leaves you no choice once it has been transferred and you continue to disagree with the new plan you can request distribution at that time the one to contact would probably be the institution that administers the plan

Answer by lmartinez
no they cant do it they should have told you before it happened tht the 401k was goin to be interupted like this so that you could of had a chance to decide what you wanted to do they might make you try to sign the new agreement befor letting you do any thing with it everyone i have seen go thru this was told to get a lawyer try caling your local legal aid office and tlk to a lawyer there and they can tell you wht best to do and they might evn b your lawyer if you qualify its cheaper sometimes evn free if your in tx call1 800 252 9690 they will point you in the right direction for legal aid

[loans acceptable contact]

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